Friday, February 5, 2010

Grrrr....I'm still waiting on my culinary textbook!!

I am so excited about getting started on setting up curriculum and working with my friends on the basics of chefdom, but I'm waiting on this dog damn book!! Where the hell is it? I want it!! If I knew it was going to take this long,
I would have said "Screw it", downloaded a culinary institute curriculum from another school to use as a "guide" to create my own and then watched some youtube videos. But no, I thought, better to go buy a book and really follow lessons step by step and also save a few bucks by ordering it used. If I had ordered something for my husband, like a chess board, or something I could absolutely care less about, it would have been here the next day. But nooooo....MY book has to take more than 7 days because it's something I want right now! If it doesn't get here within the next few days, the order will have been pointless because I'm about to get impatient and head out to Barnes & Noble the second I get paid. Excuse me while I go look out the door five times for my package and do some extreme cursing.....(sigh).

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